
What it is

Yaguara is a tool aimed to help e-commerce teams set, track, understand, and reach their goals. We were able to help teams set OKRs and track their goals in using real-time data. We then provided predictive analytics to help coach and navigate companies to the best paths to reach their targets.

Backed by partners in Warby Parker, Allbirds, and Shopify

What I did

As the founding designer, I led the efforts in both Product and Marketing design. Although most of my days were spent in the product world, I loved taking breaks and stretching the visual muscles to build out landing pages, banner ads, and blog heros for our stellar content team.


Although Yaguara lets you dive deep into your objectives and metrics, I wanted Home to be a welcoming and inviting space that didn't overwhelm you with data. By intelligently surfacing relevant information only, we're able to clearly point teams to places of the business that need their attention.



The beating heart of Yaguara is Objectives. They're how we help keep your team aligned, understand if you're on track, and give us the clarity needed to provide actionable insights. One of the more powerful features Yaguara offers is the ability to set parent/child relationships between objectives.

For the objectives view we started with a traditional tree layout, but the spider web of nodes and lines we're just impossible to interpret at scale. So, for our objective tree view, instead of using the traditional spider web that required a huge amount of horizontal scrolling and zooming, we introduced a tree view that borrows UX paradigms from folder structures. This makes it extremely easy to understand relationships, collapse families, and reorder objectives.

Bonus feature: You're able to easily set sibling priority ✨

Objective tree view


An important tenant of e-commerce is understanding the makeup of your high-value customers and what paths they have taken and continue to take that makes them such high-value.

I introduce you to Audiences, one of Yaguara's flagship features. It allows users to make customized customer segments and then visualize order flows and cohort data based on those traits. After two months of research, 7 virtual usability tests with customers, and 5 meetings with the engineering team to collaborate on feasibility, this is where we landed.

Audience overview
Trait customization
Order flow


Our dream for Yaguara was to be the knowledgeable friend that holds your hand through the crazy e-commerce world. To do this effectively, a key tenet of the platform is Templates. They're a great tool to focus attention and gives users a jumping-off point to features.

We even did a few expert video series with e-commerce influencers (think Masterclass) where they provided custom Yaguara Templates based on their curriculum.

Expert series – Template


If Objectives are the heart of Yaguara, Metrics are the veins. Everything within the platform comes alive with data. A lot of love went into our Metrics Selector modal in order for it to be extremely robust, but unintimidating.

Metrics selector modal


I've run across many platforms that have settings entry-points scattered across the screen with often no method to the chaos. After running countless usability tests for previous web-app projects, I've seen how the inconsistency of setting location can be a frustration for users. Although this is more of a "set it and forget it" view, I still wanted to make it's extremely easy to find and navigate. Therefore, I combined everything into one view. From this Settings sheet, users can do everything from changing their individual user passwords to adjusting company-level data integrations.

Settings sheet - Integrations
Settings sheet - My settings

Building the Design System

Before building any features, I spend a few weeks systematically constructing our Design System in Figma so that both the front-end devs and I could be both consistent and speedy.

Figma Frame for the Objective Cards
Anatomy example

Marketing Site

When you're the only designer in a small company, the marketing site never seems to get the love it deserves. Product usually comes first (as it should). That being said, we did have a few really fun campaigns and landing pages we delivered that were a great place to stretch the visual muscles and also develop my Webflow dev skills.

Marketing site homepage
Marketing site homepage

Straight-up visuals

One of my favorite things to do after a mentally taxing design day is to work on graphics. It's immensely relaxing to build beautiful things without the hard constraints and pressure of traditional product design 🧘

Banner ads
Blog hero images

"Yaguara fundamentally transforms the way eCommerce teams work by making data actionable for every team and person in the organization; it's the source of truth that enables better, faster planning, measurement, learning, and decision-making"

Co-founder of Warby Parker

"Yaguara’s eCommerce platform gives teams a source of truth out of which to operate. Now everyone can be aligned, data-informed, and proactive. It’s the missing link in the enterprise technology stack.”

Former CTO at Glossier

"I love that Yaguara provides a holistic overview of all important eCommerce metrics. It’s a wonderful, proactive tool to ensure your team has full transparency into the health of the business & is able to take thoughtful, intentional steps to ensure objectives are being met.”

Founder of Janessa Leoné

"Yaguara is just perfect. Can I invest?”

After a Sales call, someone actually send this Slack to their boss

Next project
